Christina Bailitz Photography | Branding Photography Session

You put your heart into your work - but when was the last time you were photographed & showcased?

In a world where entrepreneurship is everywhere from websites to social media to ads in print, it is essential for you, the owner, to get your face in front of potential clients. I know especially as a photographer, I don’t love the idea of a photo shoot of just me, but I know it connects me with people and my job is all about connections.

So I was honored I got asked to capture another photographers branding session, as she is focusing on marketing and connecting with her clients on her new launch. Before the session we connected through a questionnaire with some details on outfits and goals. We started the session with an overview of her new branding and chatted on some details such as:

  • How will you use these images? Website? Instagram? Facebook? Is there an orientation that works better?

  • Do you like photographs of yourself on a certain side (and don’t be shy many people prefer one side over the other)?

  • We chatted on thoughts of action photos - close up - full body- headshots?

  • And then my biggest ask of my clients - I am going to show you straight out of the camera (SOOC) and when you see what you like tell me and when you don’t tell me too so we can work toward more likes.

This is a little reminder to all that have profile pictures, websites, social media that you are connecting with others, make sure to invest in YOU and get images to share you love! Because in a world with so much work behind these amazing machines not everyone gets to see the smiles you have working.
