Newborn Twins & Family Photography | Frankfort Studio

After months of waiting… they are here

Getting the news you are expecting is like no other!!

There are so many emotions and the due date seems so far away.

You anxiously wait for each check to make sure all is going ok and keep looking ahead towards the due date to meet your baby.


I often get asked WHEN should I book a newborn session?

I always tell parents to book your newborn session when you are thinking of it as those last weeks time does seem to go by fast and sometimes your sweet baby or babies decide they are ready to see mom and dad sooner than that due date.

I often get asked WHEN do we schedule a newborn session?

I try to schedule newborn sessions between days 7-14 days new but also tell parents that window can be flexible as each baby and family has a different set of things going on. However I always try to schedule your session prior to coming home as I remember the days of bringing a newborn home and while sleep is little time is a thief and before you know it a week has gone by.

I was so excited to meet this crew who found me over google search engine! We scheduled their newborn session during the second trimester and being twins we knew they would like be early. I was so excited to get the news they were here and was ready to meet them all.

We met at the studio which is a bright white open space in Frankfort to capture these sweet twins and their parents for their first photography session. We definitely were able to capture their sweetness sleeping and awake and lots of cuddles with mom and dad.


Cake Smash Photography | Frankfort Studio Birthday Session

How fast that first birthday comes

Everyone tells you how fast those newborn days go but it is hard to believe you blink and your baby is turning ONE! First birthday sessions can be tailored to your theme and colors.

Cake Smash - Yeah or Nay?

While a cake smash picture may not the be one you hang on your wall, it will be a memory for you to treasure. Often smash cakes happen at first birthday parties and gatherings where parents are busy entertaining so when you opt to do a smash cake at your first birthday photo session, you get to soak in the moment with your baby!!


Christina Bailitz Photography | Branding Photography Session

You put your heart into your work - but when was the last time you were photographed & showcased?

In a world where entrepreneurship is everywhere from websites to social media to ads in print, it is essential for you, the owner, to get your face in front of potential clients. I know especially as a photographer, I don’t love the idea of a photo shoot of just me, but I know it connects me with people and my job is all about connections.

So I was honored I got asked to capture another photographers branding session, as she is focusing on marketing and connecting with her clients on her new launch. Before the session we connected through a questionnaire with some details on outfits and goals. We started the session with an overview of her new branding and chatted on some details such as:

  • How will you use these images? Website? Instagram? Facebook? Is there an orientation that works better?

  • Do you like photographs of yourself on a certain side (and don’t be shy many people prefer one side over the other)?

  • We chatted on thoughts of action photos - close up - full body- headshots?

  • And then my biggest ask of my clients - I am going to show you straight out of the camera (SOOC) and when you see what you like tell me and when you don’t tell me too so we can work toward more likes.

This is a little reminder to all that have profile pictures, websites, social media that you are connecting with others, make sure to invest in YOU and get images to share you love! Because in a world with so much work behind these amazing machines not everyone gets to see the smiles you have working.


Baby's First Birthday Session | Frankfort Studio

This was his first rodeo | FIRST BIRTHDAY FUN

A first birthday photo session is a great time to capture the growth in one year, their personality.

I think it is so fun to end your session with a smash cake. As a mom hosting the first birthday party the day is busy so I think this lets you enjoy a special little moment of turning ONE with your baby!!

The Frankfort studio is a great little space to capture your babies first birthday session.
