Sports Photography | Tinley Park Sports Photographer | Christina Bailitz Photography

Sports Photo Sessions - Capture this season


When you have 5 boys all playing baseball, it’s not often that they all have game day at the same time at the same field to grab pictures. So a baseball session was the perfect photo session for this family. From high school to grade school, this was the last season they were all playing for the this program.


Mom had a vision and it truly captured a very big part of motherhood for her. While the schedule is crazy busy she knows one day these are going to be some of the best memories for them all.

For many parents some days we don’t know how we do it. And if one thing we have learned during the last year is that when that season doesn’t happen we miss it and the crazy schedule! Sports truly are a part of many families everyday. A time of learning lessons on and off the field as a family and teammate. While sports may keep your calendar full for that season, think of booking a sports session! Capture that sport your child loves and where you have spent so many hours and created memories and friendships.

Contact Christina Bailitz Photography to set up your sports session.