Celebrating "50" | Turning 50 Photo Session

Turning 50 is a reason to CELEBRATE

50th Birthday Photo Session Turning 50 Christina Bailitz Photography.jpg

We often get caught up making sure we capture our children’s milestones from newborn, 3 month, 6 month, Birthdays, Sports and High School Senior Photos for a few. Life is full of moments we treasure. Some milestones we have visions for as we wait for them and some just happen and leave us the gift of memories. If COVID has taught us a few things, one is our “vision” of a milestone celebration has changed as things have been very limited during the pandemic and another is to treasure the moments you can.

My friend turned 50 in during 2020 and booked her own birthday photoshoot, as she annually does sessions for the kids birthdays, yes outside of the annual school picture and the sports pictures. Her kids sessions highlight them and a few of their favorite things. Her 50th birthday photo session, (or 600 month or 18,262 days young) was the same as she had props to celebrate including her roller skates. While this was my first 50 year celebration photo shoot, I truly encourage more to people to come out and celebrate your big day in a way that makes it special for you. And as adults there are very few pictures we have ourselves, I am included. If a “styled” photo session is not your thing, gather your besties or your family for a fun casual session which is not selfies and everyone can be included. Celebrate YOU.

Cheers to 50 and may the next 50 bring as much love laughter and happiness!!